About Us

GoTeach is a comprehensive recruitment solution for the education industry conceptualised and developed by
Dr Francois Naude and Shari Joseph.

With our team of world class recruiters and the power of algorithmic software design we find and place suitable candidates for any education vacancies.

How it works for Teachers

Teachers register on the GoTeach platform for free, complete their profile and complete an interview survey.

Candidates will be invited to an online interview with one of our specialists as suitable positions in their specified fields become available.

Suitable candidates will be recommended for placement.

How it works for Schools

Schools register on the GoTeach platform for free and complete their school profile. Once a position becomes available at your school you create a listing and set the requirements for the available position.

Then you can either:

Let us do all the work and find the ideal candidate for the position.

Let us identify the three best candidates for the position. After which you take charge of the rest of the process.

Advertise to our entire database and receive applications from teachers all via the GoTeach platform.



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