Comprehensive Recruitment

Let us take care of everything!
You have a lot of other work to do.

You can use the time of filtering through endless CV’s and conducting mind-numbing interviews to rather serve the learners, staff and parents of your school.

Let us find the right candidate for your vacancy.

Subscribe to Tier 3

How it works


You create a vacancy post detailing the requirements and preferences for the ideal candidate.


We contact you for a discovery call where we discuss the culture and ethos of your school.


Once an agreement has been signed our algorithm matches all candidates to your requirements and preferences and creates a short list of candidates that could fit the vacancy.


All candidates complete a series of personality tests and interviews while we simultaneously do SACE and criminal checks.


We then recommend our top candidate for the position to you and you interview this candidate with the knowledge that the candidate has been thoroughly screened by a team of experts.


If you deem our candidate worthy of the position you may appoint them.


We offer a 100 day money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied with the candidate.


Cost: 4% of the total cost to company of the candidate. (For the first 5 schools to use this service.)



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